It’s really easy to forget
To put it all out of your mind
That you might be living with a debt which could be called in
Any time by that unforgiving debt collector
“Spectacle of Spectacles”
My Spectacles watched me seek for them
lowered their head with mine.
A clear silhouette of every
“Elegy for the ‘Mule’ ”
No idea where it came from,
The pipe-threading lathe
Just presented itself
On the job when it was needed.
From the truck and tools,
We rested the Mule near the alley
“My Near-Death Experience”
As near-death experiences go,
it was one of the best.
What more is there to tell?
“So Far”
We’re on our last legs, and the legs are last to go;
the best metaphors die young, reborn as cliches.
“The Winters of the Sun”
Like a title that keys no theme
Except an atmosphere, I slip into my clothes.
A doorknob, a checklist, a podcast
On an unsolved murder.
“Crisp the Surface”
Shards of invention over
crisp dirt :: secreted
mouths whisper about
union and definitions :: small
Picking at the bones,
they feed from residual
ligaments left
post quiet carving
began with disinterest
proceeding to tsks tsks then
“I Need Yesterdays” and “If Only to Look”
reprieve thickening
in threatening
the still winter light
encrusted as a high
gray sky in thickness
turning in another silence
as in the waiting
“Where are Tolkien’s Ents?”
There is an army of ghost trees ringing the coastlines of the world.
Once verdant, evidence of a healthy environment,
now leafless, bleached white in death,
phantoms of the forest that once was.
“Touring the Forest” and “Leaning Over the Rails”
This will help you to remember
what a forest was. This one, North Temperate.
Might have been where we are standing.
Here, adjust the strap
around your forehead, rest this over
the bridge of your nose. Click the button.
“Earth Cries and the Oceans Catch the Tears,” “Reservoir No More,” and “Summer — Memory or Prophecy?”
Each corner of a globe
With no corners
Born of the sea as
Liquid or solid
In dances with humans
And dances between humans
Fear and hope meet in their own dance
As the earth cries
“Brood X”
Each insect turns a fraction on its axis, a cocooned child shifting in a half-sleep,
oblivious beyond cool mud to flames of wildfires as they streak across the hills
of Paradise.
“something small has died”
when they’re born…
they g r o w
they m o v e
crawl and
c a
l v
“With Love, I Fall”
Looking deep into my child’s eyes,
I see both my ancestors and
my descendants, I fall
into a meditation about Mother Earth…
“Home, Sick”
Zero degrees outside while cozy warm inside
Mother opens apartment’s bedroom window
reels in creaky clothesline of dried laundry
“Love Letters,” “Purple Flowers,” and “Chicago Stars and Hospital Beds”
No comfort
in this world
No warmth
rising from the cracks
in this cement ground
Ice breaks
on the surface of the lake
implying your ability to drown
“Cycling,” “Utter,” and “Glass”
On the ride to work I try to remember; did I make my bed?
—Wonder if I love myself, wonder if I care about my children’s children
Wonder where every plastic bottle went—each one I have sucked from and sent
on its journey, perhaps to landfill, and What does that pile look like
“Sleeping,” “Elfie and My Mug,” and “The Land II”
I think I’m sleeping, night long, more than I think,
And days blur like leaves in a pitch-long fall,
while clocks run on with numbers that always blink,
then flicker backwards. I close my eyes and sink
to dreams…
“Good Old Dad,” “Nuns Fret Not,” and “That’s All Folks”
Had enough of it,
pushing along with
his job and family
and gave up.
Game over.
Good old dad,
always liked trains
and that’s where he went.
“Tree Rings,” “The White Cat,” and “Goodbyes”
My skin told me first, when I saw his picture. The cold memory of touch
a frantic messenger, almost swifter
than the optic nerve. My body remembers.
So I got into the shower, ran it scalding, breathed
the vapor like medicine, the mist a place to lose myself,
“Barefoot,” “Reconstructions,” and “Vulcan’s Flames”
He says his favorite clouds
all wear size seven shoes.
He knows she believes
she once saw a paisley rainbow
and will never forget it.
She wears size seven shoes
and her tears can be torrential,
yet they can still nurture
“Pull,” “The Fall,” and “Moth”
Unsure how many lives I’ve taken.
Hornets, spiders, the boy hardened – unbelonging
in the furling roots.
But this isn’t about the bodies,
it’s their shadows, seeping through the openings,
weighing the bones with dark.
“Black Tambourines,” “Brother Red Gold,” and “Flesh”
And I heard black tambourines, stolen
steel guitars, small-room tubas, forsaken
trumpets, green castanets, kettledrums
of gold, stained-glass window pianos
— the orchestra of the alley,
pavement joyously undefended.