
Featured image for ““Blumensprache (or Self Portrait as Purple Thistle),” “My Words,” and “Noir””

“Blumensprache (or Self Portrait as Purple Thistle),” “My Words,” and “Noir”

Julie Benesh

Because my head is full of one hundred flowers.
Because dandelions were taken; ditto orchids
(each a bookend on the hardy-to-fragile spectrum).
Because I don’t compete with or covet the rich
and shallow soil but trade in the depths of mingled roots.
Featured image for ““If we couldn’t get it right the first time, then let’s forget it,” “If the balancing act was uneven, then let’s tip the scales,” and “If deconstruction is a love language, then let’s burn it to the ground””

“If we couldn’t get it right the first time, then let’s forget it,” “If the balancing act was uneven, then let’s tip the scales,” and “If deconstruction is a love language, then let’s burn it to the ground”

Jonathan Bessette

Lying amidst terra cotta
shards, in backyard rituals
we stared at a bleaching dot
of sun, hoped tanning might
remind us of no—bad—days. I told you
Featured image for ““home was looking at you,” “My Apologetic Elegy,” and “My Father And The Souvenir””

“home was looking at you,” “My Apologetic Elegy,” and “My Father And The Souvenir”

Celeste Bloom

Home is a mold, that I cast upon you
in the shape of this poem, that fits only you.

Home was the way you described every color:
hunter green, sunset orange, and midnight blue.
Featured image for ““Being,” “After,” and “Hunting””

“Being,” “After,” and “Hunting”

RW Mayer

When I was a child I went out to the long hedge
along the back of our property. I could crawl
in under the leaves and branches to the middle.
Featured image for ““Basking” “My Valentine’s Day,” and “Indian Summer Twilight from my Balcony””

“Basking” “My Valentine’s Day,” and “Indian Summer Twilight from my Balcony”

Joanne Jagoda

basking in the words
of a poem set aside, long forgotten
the warm glow of verses once familiar
comfort like a soothing bath
taking you back
to another time and place
Featured image for ““Streetlight,” “Sudden Branch Syndrome,” and “Clock””

“Streetlight,” “Sudden Branch Syndrome,” and “Clock”

Christine Andersen

I would wake and watch
from my bedroom window
as the snow fell in a waterfall of white
under the glow of the streetlight,
a suburban beacon shining
on my narrow side road.
Featured image for ““Journey Through the Realms of Night,” “Mind-full-ness,” and “North””

“Journey Through the Realms of Night,” “Mind-full-ness,” and “North”

Bartłomiej Lekan

Two days after the moon was full
I walked as in a dreaming.
Over the black seas I yearned to be,
Where the old stars were still bright and gleaming.


Featured image for ““Blumensprache (or Self Portrait as Purple Thistle),” “My Words,” and “Noir””

“Blumensprache (or Self Portrait as Purple Thistle),” “My Words,” and “Noir”

Julie Benesh

Because my head is full of one hundred flowers.
Because dandelions were taken; ditto orchids
(each a bookend on the hardy-to-fragile spectrum).
Because I don’t compete with or covet the rich
and shallow soil but trade in the depths of mingled roots.
Featured image for ““If we couldn’t get it right the first time, then let’s forget it,” “If the balancing act was uneven, then let’s tip the scales,” and “If deconstruction is a love language, then let’s burn it to the ground””

“If we couldn’t get it right the first time, then let’s forget it,” “If the balancing act was uneven, then let’s tip the scales,” and “If deconstruction is a love language, then let’s burn it to the ground”

Jonathan Bessette

Lying amidst terra cotta
shards, in backyard rituals
we stared at a bleaching dot
of sun, hoped tanning might
remind us of no—bad—days. I told you
Featured image for ““home was looking at you,” “My Apologetic Elegy,” and “My Father And The Souvenir””

“home was looking at you,” “My Apologetic Elegy,” and “My Father And The Souvenir”

Celeste Bloom

Home is a mold, that I cast upon you
in the shape of this poem, that fits only you.

Home was the way you described every color:
hunter green, sunset orange, and midnight blue.
Featured image for ““Being,” “After,” and “Hunting””

“Being,” “After,” and “Hunting”

RW Mayer

When I was a child I went out to the long hedge
along the back of our property. I could crawl
in under the leaves and branches to the middle.
Featured image for ““Basking” “My Valentine’s Day,” and “Indian Summer Twilight from my Balcony””

“Basking” “My Valentine’s Day,” and “Indian Summer Twilight from my Balcony”

Joanne Jagoda

basking in the words
of a poem set aside, long forgotten
the warm glow of verses once familiar
comfort like a soothing bath
taking you back
to another time and place
Featured image for ““Streetlight,” “Sudden Branch Syndrome,” and “Clock””

“Streetlight,” “Sudden Branch Syndrome,” and “Clock”

Christine Andersen

I would wake and watch
from my bedroom window
as the snow fell in a waterfall of white
under the glow of the streetlight,
a suburban beacon shining
on my narrow side road.
Featured image for ““Journey Through the Realms of Night,” “Mind-full-ness,” and “North””

“Journey Through the Realms of Night,” “Mind-full-ness,” and “North”

Bartłomiej Lekan

Two days after the moon was full
I walked as in a dreaming.
Over the black seas I yearned to be,
Where the old stars were still bright and gleaming.