Jean Ende
Jean Ende is a former newspaper reporter, political publicist, financial marketing executive and college professor.
A native New Yorker raised in a Jewish immigrant family, many of Jean's stories are based on her background; however they are all fiction.
Her work has appeared in: Stories That Need to be Told, published by Tulip Tree press; Stories Through the Ages, published by Springs Publishers, The Jewish Literary Review; Bosque Magazine; Poets and Dreamers; University of California Press; Jewish; Jewels of San Fedele; River Poets Journal and American Literary Review.
Jean's stories have also been recognized by the Glimmer Train short fiction competition, the Tennessee Williams short story competition, the Mark Twain Humor Contest, the Howard/Reid Fiction Contest and the Virginia Woolf Literary Competition.
A graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, Jean attended the Breadloaf Writers Conference three times and has taken MFA courses at Stonybrook University (SUNY).
Jean Ende
Jean Ende is a former newspaper reporter, political publicist, financial marketing executive and college professor.
A native New Yorker raised in a Jewish immigrant family, many of Jean's stories are based on her background; however they are all fiction.
Her work has appeared in: Stories That Need to be Told, published by Tulip Tree press; Stories Through the Ages, published by Springs Publishers, The Jewish Literary Review; Bosque Magazine; Poets and Dreamers; University of California Press; Jewish; Jewels of San Fedele; River Poets Journal and American Literary Review.
Jean's stories have also been recognized by the Glimmer Train short fiction competition, the Tennessee Williams short story competition, the Mark Twain Humor Contest, the Howard/Reid Fiction Contest and the Virginia Woolf Literary Competition.
A graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, Jean attended the Breadloaf Writers Conference three times and has taken MFA courses at Stonybrook University (SUNY).