Fiona Murphy McCormack
Fiona Murphy McCormack is from Northern Ireland. She has a BA in English with Creative Writing from Glyndwr University, and an MA in Creative Writing from Queen's University. Her work has been featured in Electric Reads, Germ Magazine, Fearlessly Magazine, Elephant Ladder online zine, Crossways Literary Review, Santa Fe Quarterly, Every Day Fiction, Litro NY, Route 7 Review, Persephone's Daughters, Crossing the Tees 2019 (Third Place), East Jasmine Review and on the Anti-Languaist Project Podcast.
Fiona Murphy McCormack
Fiona Murphy McCormack is from Northern Ireland. She has a BA in English with Creative Writing from Glyndwr University, and an MA in Creative Writing from Queen's University. Her work has been featured in Electric Reads, Germ Magazine, Fearlessly Magazine, Elephant Ladder online zine, Crossways Literary Review, Santa Fe Quarterly, Every Day Fiction, Litro NY, Route 7 Review, Persephone's Daughters, Crossing the Tees 2019 (Third Place), East Jasmine Review and on the Anti-Languaist Project Podcast.