Diana Radovan
Diana Radovan PhD ELS is the author of the hybrid memoir Our Voices, a Best of the Net award nominee, and a regular LiterNet contributor. Her fiction has been previously shortlisted in Listowels Writers’ Week Original - Short Story Competition, longlisted for the Disquiet International Prize, and published in Landing Zone Magazine, Hypnopomp, Flash Frontier, 121 words, Cease, Cows, Friday Flash Fiction, Quail Bell Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine and elsewhere. Find out more at dianaradovan.com.
Diana Radovan
Diana Radovan PhD ELS is the author of the hybrid memoir Our Voices, a Best of the Net award nominee, and a regular LiterNet contributor. Her fiction has been previously shortlisted in Listowels Writers’ Week Original - Short Story Competition, longlisted for the Disquiet International Prize, and published in Landing Zone Magazine, Hypnopomp, Flash Frontier, 121 words, Cease, Cows, Friday Flash Fiction, Quail Bell Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine and elsewhere. Find out more at dianaradovan.com.