J. Parker Marvin
J. Parker Marvin is currently a data analyst working in the semiconductor industry and lives in Saitama, Japan. Parker’s poems have been published most recently in Mantis Poetry, Levitate, and Second Factory. Parker’s collection Postlude to the End of is forthcoming in the Fall of 2024 from April Gloaming.
“Crisp the Surface”
Shards of invention over
crisp dirt :: secreted
mouths whisper about
union and definitions :: small
crisp dirt :: secreted
mouths whisper about
union and definitions :: small
Issue 80, February 2024
Issues Archive
“Inverse Blankets,” “Bloat Textures,” and “Grope Commerce”
compensation blankets
barrier the solitude
cold air :: we are aware
that skin is unsuitable ::
we are a perfection :: the mass
of an ego returns
#DIV/0! :: and we understand
we are not portioned ::
barrier the solitude
cold air :: we are aware
that skin is unsuitable ::
we are a perfection :: the mass
of an ego returns
#DIV/0! :: and we understand
we are not portioned ::
Issue 66, October 2022
Issues Archive
J. Parker Marvin
J. Parker Marvin is currently a data analyst working in the semiconductor industry and lives in Saitama, Japan. Parker’s poems have been published most recently in Mantis Poetry, Levitate, and Second Factory. Parker’s collection Postlude to the End of is forthcoming in the Fall of 2024 from April Gloaming.
“Crisp the Surface”
Shards of invention over
crisp dirt :: secreted
mouths whisper about
union and definitions :: small
crisp dirt :: secreted
mouths whisper about
union and definitions :: small
Issue 80, February 2024
Issues Archive
“Inverse Blankets,” “Bloat Textures,” and “Grope Commerce”
compensation blankets
barrier the solitude
cold air :: we are aware
that skin is unsuitable ::
we are a perfection :: the mass
of an ego returns
#DIV/0! :: and we understand
we are not portioned ::
barrier the solitude
cold air :: we are aware
that skin is unsuitable ::
we are a perfection :: the mass
of an ego returns
#DIV/0! :: and we understand
we are not portioned ::
Issue 66, October 2022
Issues Archive