Picky Soul Eater
You want my love but don’t want my pain,
My sunshine, but not my rain.
Can’t you see how that’s driving me insane?
Sorrow is my life’s start and bane, happiness I cannot feign.
Take me as I am or not at all.
Yes, to demand that, I have the gall.
For a lukewarm lover, I refuse to fall.
My heart’s not a free-for-all.
So, what will it be?
What end to this do you see?
Will you fight or will you flee?
My heart is free; Whatever you choose, content I shall be.
I Was Thinking…
I was thinking, I could do better than you,
And that’s probably true.
But I’m worried…
What if I get bored of them too?
I wish our love was strong,
And I wish my loyalty did last long.
If love is right, then I don’t want to be wrong.
It’s not my fault men keep following my siren song.
I’ve paid my dues,
I don’t want to lose.
My soul cannot take another bruise.
O, grand Aphrodite, please help me choose.
The Witch and the Townsfolk
Like human litter, your eyes with malice glitter,
As into your bloodied hands you titter,
Whispering to your friends, calling me bitter.
And why should I be sweet?
For your approval I do not compete.
I’m the last honest thing in a world of deceit.
You thought I’d always take it, be quiet.
But eventually, the oppressed always riot,
Causing, for those like you, much disquiet.
Responsibility for your treachery you cannot take,
You’d rather a scapegoat make,
Burn an innocent at the stake.
When I, at long last, returned the abuse,
You threatened me with the noose.
I needed no other excuse; I became a recluse.
From the gallows, the haunt of martyred hallows,
I escaped to lush green meadows,
And now wake to the chirping of swallows.
On the mend, in nature my days I spend,
Kindly animals I befriend.
Happy or not, this is my end.