seen // unsent
it split my lip // I will always be a little bit in love with you… too
just a little bit // more and we would witness the shadows of
some sort of situation alienated // a surplus fairytale of a couple of normative years
I can’t help but wonder // when you sealed this tomb of worship
crinkled sheets and burnt coffee and the lies // piles of I am still reading that
what spells of mine // would you leave behind
in the wooden drawer // right next to
where you slept // where I screamed
all those nights // when the last small death drawn together // becomes an omen
Let’s be strangers once again
for there there is no rest for the wicked
women //those crazy bitches never sleep //
for a lot can happen in one night //and the light of the first cherry dawn
sailing on the horizon whispers // of your days in the sun
I can steer this ship // I have seen rougher waters //and lived
your light falling through my cracks // was an ocean burning