Tina Lear
Tina Lear is a writer and composer/lyricist living in New York. Tricycle Magazine (a Buddhist review) has published several of her articles. Her poems have appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic, Second Chance Lit, the Pinyon Review, and Germ Magazine. You can find Tina at www.tinalear.com, She lives with her wife on Long Island, with their love doctor, Ruby (Yorkie).
Tina Lear
Tina Lear is a writer and composer/lyricist living in New York. Tricycle Magazine (a Buddhist review) has published several of her articles. Her poems have appeared in Anti-Heroin Chic, Second Chance Lit, the Pinyon Review, and Germ Magazine. You can find Tina at www.tinalear.com, She lives with her wife on Long Island, with their love doctor, Ruby (Yorkie).