Scott Vander Ploeg

Scott Vander Ploeg is a recently early-retired English/Humanities professor and a Donne and Milton scholar (Ph. D., 1993) who developed eclectic interests from a long teaching career (Writing/Composition, Peace Studies, Intro to Literature, Kentucky Authors, Leadership Studies, Chinese Culture and Literature, et al.). In addition to writing, he likes to travel internationally, play percussion and jazz drums, and practice and teach Yang short-form Tai Chi. He's proud to spend his time with the poet Marianne Peel.

Scott Vander Ploeg

Scott Vander Ploeg is a recently early-retired English/Humanities professor and a Donne and Milton scholar (Ph. D., 1993) who developed eclectic interests from a long teaching career (Writing/Composition, Peace Studies, Intro to Literature, Kentucky Authors, Leadership Studies, Chinese Culture and Literature, et al.). In addition to writing, he likes to travel internationally, play percussion and jazz drums, and practice and teach Yang short-form Tai Chi. He's proud to spend his time with the poet Marianne Peel.