Naomi Anne Goldner

Naomi Anne Goldner is a San Francisco-based writer and founder of WordSpaceStudios Literary Arts CenterWordSpaceStudios, a literary center that serves writers by offering residencies and workshops. She holds an MFA from San Francisco State University. Her work has been published and performed in various publications and literary events such as entropy Mag, The Blue Nib Review, Bang Out, Litquake, Listen to Your Mother, The Festival Review, and Qu literary, The Hill, and the Smart Set to name a few. Her short stories have also been anthologized and received honorary mention and been finalists. You can read more of her work at

Naomi Anne Goldner

Naomi Anne Goldner is a San Francisco-based writer and founder of WordSpaceStudios Literary Arts CenterWordSpaceStudios, a literary center that serves writers by offering residencies and workshops. She holds an MFA from San Francisco State University. Her work has been published and performed in various publications and literary events such as entropy Mag, The Blue Nib Review, Bang Out, Litquake, Listen to Your Mother, The Festival Review, and Qu literary, The Hill, and the Smart Set to name a few. Her short stories have also been anthologized and received honorary mention and been finalists. You can read more of her work at