Melissa McKay
Melissa McKay is an aspiring writer, living in the greater Nashville area. She writes about her life experiences, especially aspects of parenting an adult with autism, struggles with depression, and her personal faith journey. She hopes to publish her personal essays in a memoir. Two of her essays have been published: This Was Not In The Brochure published by both Anti Heroin Chic (November 2019) and Down in the Dirt (Spring 2020), and Rising Death Toll published by Borrowed Solace (Spring 2020).
Melissa McKay
Melissa McKay is an aspiring writer, living in the greater Nashville area. She writes about her life experiences, especially aspects of parenting an adult with autism, struggles with depression, and her personal faith journey. She hopes to publish her personal essays in a memoir. Two of her essays have been published: This Was Not In The Brochure published by both Anti Heroin Chic (November 2019) and Down in the Dirt (Spring 2020), and Rising Death Toll published by Borrowed Solace (Spring 2020).