Linda McMullen is a wife, mother, and American diplomat, most often found in Africa or Asia, but currently on a domestic rotation in Washington, D.C. Her short stories are currently available on Burningword ('Aurora'), Typishly ('The Announcement'), Panoply ('Flavia') and Open: Journal of Arts and Letters ('Elaine's Idyll'); other pieces are forthcoming from Enzo Publications, Temptation Press, and Palaver.
Linda McMullen
Linda McMullen is a wife, mother, and American diplomat, most often found in Africa or Asia, but currently on a domestic rotation in Washington, D.C. Her short stories are currently available on Burningword ('Aurora'), Typishly ('The Announcement'), Panoply ('Flavia') and Open: Journal of Arts and Letters ('Elaine's Idyll'); other pieces are forthcoming from Enzo Publications, Temptation Press, and Palaver.