Jo-Anne Rosen

Jo-Anne Rosen’s fiction has appeared in over 30 literary journals (among them, The Florida Review, The Summerset Review, The Write Launch, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Big City Lit), and has received a Pushcart nomination. She earned an MA in English Lit from the University of Miami. Presently she is a book designer living in Petaluma, California. Since 2010 she has published Wordrunner eChapbooks, an online hybrid chapbook/journal and co-edited the Sonoma County Literary Update. What They Don’t Know (2015) is her first fiction collection. See for more information.

Jo-Anne Rosen

Jo-Anne Rosen’s fiction has appeared in over 30 literary journals (among them, The Florida Review, The Summerset Review, The Write Launch, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Big City Lit), and has received a Pushcart nomination. She earned an MA in English Lit from the University of Miami. Presently she is a book designer living in Petaluma, California. Since 2010 she has published Wordrunner eChapbooks, an online hybrid chapbook/journal and co-edited the Sonoma County Literary Update. What They Don’t Know (2015) is her first fiction collection. See for more information.