Hilary Nelson Jacobs
Hilary Nelson Jacobs is a writer living in the Los Angeles foothills. As a recovering strategic planner, she has turned to writing creative nonfiction, embracing the reality that life confounds our careful planning. Hilary has been published in “Role Reboot”and is working on an essay collection, “Harvard Didn’t Prepare Me For Life.” Hilary can be reached at authorhnj@gmail.com or on Twitter at @HilaryNJacobs.
Hilary Nelson Jacobs
Hilary Nelson Jacobs is a writer living in the Los Angeles foothills. As a recovering strategic planner, she has turned to writing creative nonfiction, embracing the reality that life confounds our careful planning. Hilary has been published in “Role Reboot”and is working on an essay collection, “Harvard Didn’t Prepare Me For Life.” Hilary can be reached at authorhnj@gmail.com or on Twitter at @HilaryNJacobs.