Fatima Ijaz
Fatima Ijaz is currently pursuing her M.Phil at Karachi University. She is a graduate from Hartwick College, N.Y. and York University, TO, holds a master in English Linguistics from Eastern Michigan University. She won first prize at the Mclaughlin Poetry Contest in Toronto, 2007. Her work has been published in Pakistan: The News and Zau, Canada: Red Fez, USA: Abramelin, Della Donna, Whirlwind, These Fragile Lilacs, India:Writer's Asylum and Africa: Praxis magazine.
Fatima Ijaz
Fatima Ijaz is currently pursuing her M.Phil at Karachi University. She is a graduate from Hartwick College, N.Y. and York University, TO, holds a master in English Linguistics from Eastern Michigan University. She won first prize at the Mclaughlin Poetry Contest in Toronto, 2007. Her work has been published in Pakistan: The News and Zau, Canada: Red Fez, USA: Abramelin, Della Donna, Whirlwind, These Fragile Lilacs, India:Writer's Asylum and Africa: Praxis magazine.