Andrea Chesman
Andrea Chesman is a food writer and cookbook author. She tries to keep food out of her fiction writing but doesn't always succeed. Her work has appeared online in Green Mountains Review and in the print anthology Twisted, published by Medusa's Laugh Press, which nominated her story for a Pushcart Prize. She will have a story in the Spring 2019 issue of The Offbeat. She lives with her family in an old farmhouse, where Robert Frost was a frequent visitor. A photograph taken of Mr. Frost in her dining room is a source of constant inspiration.
Andrea Chesman
Andrea Chesman is a food writer and cookbook author. She tries to keep food out of her fiction writing but doesn't always succeed. Her work has appeared online in Green Mountains Review and in the print anthology Twisted, published by Medusa's Laugh Press, which nominated her story for a Pushcart Prize. She will have a story in the Spring 2019 issue of The Offbeat. She lives with her family in an old farmhouse, where Robert Frost was a frequent visitor. A photograph taken of Mr. Frost in her dining room is a source of constant inspiration.