Solomon's Song
Sleepless cities hate shutting down, but also,
Distancing protocols dismantle congregations in dozy towns.
Trauma afflicts the already jobless.
New York nights avoid turning dark & idle,
Yet theatres close-down & spotlights shut-off,
Covid has proven that seductive consumptions are not worth the cough.
For birds, it's a first to grace open-air skies,
Through emission free cotton-cloudburst traces,
Eyeing down below poisoned herd's faces.
Above them, celestial lights dance along the Milky Way,
Trailing glittery routed spacious cosmos,
Defying civilization's phony doomsday,
With microscopic persuasive extensions of new conceptual frameworks.
In plain sight, the masked homeless, hide, and the evicted are forced to live outside;
In shelters, parks, or cars overnight, dodging the cold in their hungry plight.
Marginalized to substandard living, while society lacks from giving,
A damn.
Emergencies on wheels to full capacity, expose the streets with alarming vulnerability,
Crying out for mercy.
Nietzsche was incisively chilling,
If only the strong survive, and God is dead,
Why then stress over pale lives?
And not let mortality mourn alone,
In a hospital bed?
Isolationists conceal behind bolted gates of towering 5G incubators,
Prolonging the instigated hate,
With the agitated inequality it caters.
Compelling earth's spirit, and land,
To shake, smoke, and quake.
Reckless man cannot recover mustard seeds and Bach flowers,
Sown by mother earth, into the hour glass running out of unsprouted sand.
Endless losses favor opportunistic chatter,
Justifying hunger as always existing, and greed as inevitable,
But ancient history also attests to the value of Solomon's Song,
Affirming: love, commitment, and delight,
Are a human right, for ALL.