the colonel
was in high dudgeon the colonel yelled
lying flat your pug-rasps
juxtaposition of stuttered blasts
out get out
brachycephalic wheeze you crawl me
from another chair-slumped
slumber and
i trip the carer’s alarm beam blundering for your bed
pen to lift you upright
you gasp
false false intel
i told mum about our ‘debates’
hitting you once when i was nine
ten your restraint
threw me threw me
threw me
cold metal bed-bars beneath my clutching fingers I hear you
murmuring dreams brewed by drugs
memories whichever
the room it was a difficult day
face sallow as junket
threw me against the wall
my arms caging your whippet-sunk chest
you are purpled
and flailing like a banked gudgeon
welts from hoists and bedsores wrought
againsta difficult day(s)
still you wind me
with disdain and all I can think is that you’re going
even you don’t know and still
I want to
follow you
hunt simulacrum (Iceland 2040)
ice dunes east
glows crease green the pall night
as solar seas leaking into Thule skies
he<>i will seep into them too
soon ground west lies like glass
under myth of lost-child thrums
and wraps of mock blizzard thin
till secret places dwindle
to none i==he croons he<>i i>
<man tracking beast on Samsung screens
quests planned for the pursuer when
microchips kick in attune
divide attune to
scratches on the silver-salver land —
cyber scents trail through fierce strains
of wind hewn raw as
Neptune’s rings replications
roam wild wilder
haunch hands growls stalk pound
roar grunt paw skulk then
two shadows loom waves of he<>i
swelling fast out of this frozen span
yellow bear pelt and blackened
claw thunder my seams
like runes thrown i<>he
come through air rime-sheared
hair spikes and lips cracked
whitehint on my tongue
of loon’s throat red byte-mists
fur my eyes from weeks in the cabin
crimson with code and snow
will twist scarlet when
the moon reels lowin the ebb
of the huntnowout here
in the brutish
to unleash he><i type
Hastings (1066/2018)
black hutting juts
slim tilts against smoked-sun sky
unsmoked even hushed
Huss Sole Skate Pollock buys
lap-lap grey tides to groynes
lulling gone thrust away
under now’s currents lies
tramping trudging hauling
still murmur
clank smack of anchor
longboats on shale
glint boots on sweat calves
clear curve off glint thighs
quivers slung bow arms
heads gleam
carved eyes spy beach mid-pass
below black sway sky
marching up to Battle
a thousand thick hands tremble
entering another man’s land
now above bass gravel ground
but fish lap-lap
tides leave slim tilts jut
against smoked high huts
you swam my body soft ammonite an inch snug
in your tripe-lined womb humming
my body uncurled sumo lung ready to squall harmonics
over your alto drone or woo you with winks
of calm you held my body overting itself into
twelve limp as a blanket on your resolute floor
stone scratching my tear-wet temple but
sleep came before you cracked my body
dervish over birch and concrete planks and
struts sea-wind restraints salt-slick pier reaching
out into another day you blew me out my
body yours from the start i swarm
the sound a pebble’s rattle flint in an empty
tin your body cast