We have tattoos and an impeccable work ethic,
They do not know where to put us.
Our faith should be in the old system,
In white male hood we trust.
I drink.
I curse.
I go to work it doesn’t slow me down.
“I’m a vegan.”
I shit 4x a day. (No, not really)
I see no time any day to rest or just lay.
I could blame the whole baby boomer generation.
Your fear of falling behind, unwillingness to learn new ways,
and your idea of “normalness” to stay in many fucked up
We should meet in the middle.
Don’t dismiss our ideas as being too little.
We are as big as you now.
Our generation may be “CLICK, CLACK, POW”
It is because we do love and respect your struggle.
We are movers and shakers--we take it seriously.
And I will never pipe down.
Millennial=Getting lit without bending to traditional standards
to reinvent the game
I just go to this headspace where I believe nothing and no one
can touch me.
Whatever I say,
And how I say,
The words so beautifully come into my mind to play,
You look for an escape but there is no way . . .
I know ya feel it baby,
No need to turn ya head, the other way.
You want me to make this black woman and voice smaller.
That is the world you are used to but it’s not okay.
I’m here to doom that day.
To a world so hell bent on making me pay to speak my mind
How about y’all get Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson to finally
Or do they not have the time?
You speak up when money is missing from you, that is swell.
But us black women have been paying the most dues,
And like always, they double,
No triple,
The fine.
I’ve paid in full
I’ve awakened a beast.
I think, dream, and wake up to write in my sharpie pens.
I can’t stop. Lost enough time as it is.
I’m just trying to break into “The Biz”.
It’s hard when you don’t play a sport, or do anything else
The blacks are physical beings.
Run, jump, shoot, dribble, tumble, volley
Don’t diminish our minds because sometimes we let our bodies do
the talking.
Our words are just as potent.
Larry Byrd’s “intelligence vs. Michael Jordan’s “physicality”
MJ reigns supreme.
(Although I would take Magic any day, I know I have a vagina,
I’ll stop writing about sports, I promise)
Don’t discredit me because I’m a black female.
When you do that it reveals more about yourself to tell.