Yania Padilla Sierra
Yania Padilla Sierra is a Puerto Rican bruja/writer/artist and suicide prevention advocate. Her work has been published and/or featured in Aberration Labyrinth, Tupelo Press 30/30 project, and is pending publication in the first A Room of Her Own anthology as well as Military Experience and the Arts. Her academic pursuits include Jungian psychology and the use of ritual in trauma integration. She lives in Connecticut, and is often seen bantering with bandidos, bourbon in hand.
Yania Padilla Sierra
Yania Padilla Sierra is a Puerto Rican bruja/writer/artist and suicide prevention advocate. Her work has been published and/or featured in Aberration Labyrinth, Tupelo Press 30/30 project, and is pending publication in the first A Room of Her Own anthology as well as Military Experience and the Arts. Her academic pursuits include Jungian psychology and the use of ritual in trauma integration. She lives in Connecticut, and is often seen bantering with bandidos, bourbon in hand.