Vern Fein
Vern Fein has published poems in *82 Review, The Literary Nest, Silver Birch Press, Rat's Ass Review, Bindweed Magazine, Gyroscope Review, a haiku, Spillwords, VerseWrights, VietNam War Poetry, Ibis Head Review, Spindrift, Former People, has a non-fiction pieces in Quail Bell and The Write Place at the Write Time, and has a short story in the the online magazine Duende from Goddard College.
Vern Fein
Vern Fein has published poems in *82 Review, The Literary Nest, Silver Birch Press, Rat's Ass Review, Bindweed Magazine, Gyroscope Review, a haiku, Spillwords, VerseWrights, VietNam War Poetry, Ibis Head Review, Spindrift, Former People, has a non-fiction pieces in Quail Bell and The Write Place at the Write Time, and has a short story in the the online magazine Duende from Goddard College.