Sharon Forman
Raised in Norfolk, Virginia, Sharon Forman is a reform rabbi and has worked for twenty-four years in the field of Jewish education. She is the author of Honest Answers to Your Child’s Jewish Questions (URJ, 2006), a chapter on the intersection between breastfeeding and Judaism in Lisa Grushcow’s The Sacred Encounter (CCAR Press, 2014), and most recently The Baseball Haggadah: A Festival of Freedom and Springtime in 15 Innings (2015). She has also written for Kveller and had pieces featured in, Mamalode, Literary Mama, The Union For Reform Judaism, The Bitter Southerner,, and in Mothers Always Write. For the past thirteen years, she has lived with her husband and three children in Westchester, New York, where she teaches Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. She is excited to return to her passion of fiction writing.
Sharon Forman
Raised in Norfolk, Virginia, Sharon Forman is a reform rabbi and has worked for twenty-four years in the field of Jewish education. She is the author of Honest Answers to Your Child’s Jewish Questions (URJ, 2006), a chapter on the intersection between breastfeeding and Judaism in Lisa Grushcow’s The Sacred Encounter (CCAR Press, 2014), and most recently The Baseball Haggadah: A Festival of Freedom and Springtime in 15 Innings (2015). She has also written for Kveller and had pieces featured in, Mamalode, Literary Mama, The Union For Reform Judaism, The Bitter Southerner,, and in Mothers Always Write. For the past thirteen years, she has lived with her husband and three children in Westchester, New York, where she teaches Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. She is excited to return to her passion of fiction writing.