Scott Lambridis
Stories of mine have appeared in Slice, Fence, Cafe Irreal, and other journals, and my short story "Blind Sticks" was nominated for a 2021 Pushcart award. I completed my MFA from San Francisco State where I received the Miriam Ylvisaker Fellowship and three literary awards. Before that, I earned a degree in neurobiology, and co-founded, through which I co-host the Action Fiction! performance series. Read more at
Scott Lambridis
Stories of mine have appeared in Slice, Fence, Cafe Irreal, and other journals, and my short story "Blind Sticks" was nominated for a 2021 Pushcart award. I completed my MFA from San Francisco State where I received the Miriam Ylvisaker Fellowship and three literary awards. Before that, I earned a degree in neurobiology, and co-founded, through which I co-host the Action Fiction! performance series. Read more at