Sandee Gertz
Sandee Gertz is a native of Western Pennsylvania and a graduate of Wilkes University's M.A. and M.F.A. program. In 2012, she published a poetry collection, The Pattern Maker's Daughter, with Bottom Dog Press. This book has been used and taught in several universities in the Pittsburgh area, including Carnegie Mellon's Poetry department with Jim Daniels.
Sandee has several awards in writing and has published poems and essays widely in literary journals, including Poet Lore, Gargoyle, Green Mountains Review, and others. In 2014, she was featured as one of 16 Working Class Poets in World Literature, and recently her fiction has been announced as a finalist for the Porch Prize.
Sandee currently teaches at Cumberland University outside of Nashville in the English and Creative Writing departments.
Sandee Gertz
Sandee Gertz is a native of Western Pennsylvania and a graduate of Wilkes University's M.A. and M.F.A. program. In 2012, she published a poetry collection, The Pattern Maker's Daughter, with Bottom Dog Press. This book has been used and taught in several universities in the Pittsburgh area, including Carnegie Mellon's Poetry department with Jim Daniels.
Sandee has several awards in writing and has published poems and essays widely in literary journals, including Poet Lore, Gargoyle, Green Mountains Review, and others. In 2014, she was featured as one of 16 Working Class Poets in World Literature, and recently her fiction has been announced as a finalist for the Porch Prize.
Sandee currently teaches at Cumberland University outside of Nashville in the English and Creative Writing departments.