Kirk Combe
I teach at Denison University in Ohio. I’ve published a great deal in the academic areas of early modern British literature, popular culture, and contemporary satire. I’ve also published short fiction (most recently in _Millwork_, August 2018) and the novel _2084_ (Mayhaven Publishing, 2009; revised ebook edition 2018). In addition to fiction writing, I’ve co-written the screenplay and executive produced a short film titled “The Feed,” which appeared in U.S. film festivals during 2015-16.
Kirk Combe
I teach at Denison University in Ohio. I’ve published a great deal in the academic areas of early modern British literature, popular culture, and contemporary satire. I’ve also published short fiction (most recently in _Millwork_, August 2018) and the novel _2084_ (Mayhaven Publishing, 2009; revised ebook edition 2018). In addition to fiction writing, I’ve co-written the screenplay and executive produced a short film titled “The Feed,” which appeared in U.S. film festivals during 2015-16.