Kayla Branstetter
Kayla Branstetter is an educator, mother, writer, artist, and photographer from Missouri. She holds a MALS degree in Art, Literature, and Culture from the University of Denver. Her creative nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography have appeared in the following journals: The Poet's Choice, the Crowder Quill, Light & Space 'All Women' exhibit, The Human Family-Human Rights Festival, The Paragon Press-Echo: Journal of Creative Nonfiction, 805+, High Shelf Press, The Esthetic Apostle, the gyara journal, Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, a former contributing writer to a regional magazine Ozark Hills and Hollows. She recently had two paintings featured in an exhibition in Milan, Italy, and received the Dante International Art Award from Rome, Italy.
Kayla Branstetter
Kayla Branstetter is an educator, mother, writer, artist, and photographer from Missouri. She holds a MALS degree in Art, Literature, and Culture from the University of Denver. Her creative nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography have appeared in the following journals: The Poet's Choice, the Crowder Quill, Light & Space 'All Women' exhibit, The Human Family-Human Rights Festival, The Paragon Press-Echo: Journal of Creative Nonfiction, 805+, High Shelf Press, The Esthetic Apostle, the gyara journal, Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, a former contributing writer to a regional magazine Ozark Hills and Hollows. She recently had two paintings featured in an exhibition in Milan, Italy, and received the Dante International Art Award from Rome, Italy.