Jennifer Phillips
Jennifer M Phillips is a bi-national poet, a retired Episcopal Priest and AIDS Chaplain, gardener, grower of Bonsai, painter, and has been writing and publishing poetry and prose since age seven. Phillips grew up in upstate New York and has lived in Britain, New England, New Mexico, St. Louis, Rhode Island, & Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her work has won several awards, has two poems currently nominated for a Pushcart Poetry Prize 2024, and has appeared in over ninety journals. Her two chapbooks are Sitting Safe in the Theatre of Electricity (, 2020) and A Song of Ascents (Orchard Street Press 2022). A poem is like a little brass pan to carry fire's coals through the winter, and so she writes.
Jennifer Phillips
Jennifer M Phillips is a bi-national poet, a retired Episcopal Priest and AIDS Chaplain, gardener, grower of Bonsai, painter, and has been writing and publishing poetry and prose since age seven. Phillips grew up in upstate New York and has lived in Britain, New England, New Mexico, St. Louis, Rhode Island, & Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her work has won several awards, has two poems currently nominated for a Pushcart Poetry Prize 2024, and has appeared in over ninety journals. Her two chapbooks are Sitting Safe in the Theatre of Electricity (, 2020) and A Song of Ascents (Orchard Street Press 2022). A poem is like a little brass pan to carry fire's coals through the winter, and so she writes.