Heidi Lasher

Heidi Lasher writes from a refurbished goat barn near her home in Spokane, Washington. Her creative nonfiction essays have been published in several literary journals and magazine, including Orion Magazine, Cagibi, Litro Magazine, Cream City Review, and in Allegory Review’s nonfiction anthology, Allegheny. One of her essays was a finalist for the Michigan Quarterly Review's 2024 James A. Winn Prize in Nonfiction. She is currently working on a collection of essays about her exploration of the Spokane River.

Heidi Lasher

Heidi Lasher writes from a refurbished goat barn near her home in Spokane, Washington. Her creative nonfiction essays have been published in several literary journals and magazine, including Orion Magazine, Cagibi, Litro Magazine, Cream City Review, and in Allegory Review’s nonfiction anthology, Allegheny. One of her essays was a finalist for the Michigan Quarterly Review's 2024 James A. Winn Prize in Nonfiction. She is currently working on a collection of essays about her exploration of the Spokane River.