Fredric Koeppel
Fredric Koeppel has had stories and poems published recently in The Moving Force, Right-Hand Pointing, the Iowa Review, Many Mountains Moving, Vox Poetica, Bare-Knuckle Poet and other journals. He is a former college English teacher and newspaper journalist in the fields of arts and culture. He lives in Memphis and writes the wine review blog Bigger Than Your Head. He and his wife maintain, probably with too little skill and too much passion, a pack of ten rescued dogs.
Fredric Koeppel
Fredric Koeppel has had stories and poems published recently in The Moving Force, Right-Hand Pointing, the Iowa Review, Many Mountains Moving, Vox Poetica, Bare-Knuckle Poet and other journals. He is a former college English teacher and newspaper journalist in the fields of arts and culture. He lives in Memphis and writes the wine review blog Bigger Than Your Head. He and his wife maintain, probably with too little skill and too much passion, a pack of ten rescued dogs.