Francis Flavin

Francis Flavin draws upon his experience as an educator, public interest lawyer and observer on four continents. He was the Winner of the 2021 Poetry Quarterly Rebecca Lard Award. In the Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition, Flavin placed first in the Memoir/Vignette category (2022), and in prior years received recognition for humor and flash fiction (2), short story (2), novel excerpt (3), creative nonfiction and personal essay categories. He also received recognition in the social impact category of the Chicagoland Poetry Contest, the Partisan Press Working People’s Poetry Competition (first place) and the personal essay and rhymed poetry categories of the 2020 Writer’s Digest awards. His work has been published in Poetry Quarterly, Moonstone Arts Center, NOVUS Literary Journal, Inwood Indiana, Blueline, Pacific Review, Beyond Words – International Literary Magazine, Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Blue Collar Review, La Piccioletta Barca, Three Line Poetry, The Closed Eye Open and Tempered Runes, among others.

Francis Flavin

Francis Flavin draws upon his experience as an educator, public interest lawyer and observer on four continents. He was the Winner of the 2021 Poetry Quarterly Rebecca Lard Award. In the Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition, Flavin placed first in the Memoir/Vignette category (2022), and in prior years received recognition for humor and flash fiction (2), short story (2), novel excerpt (3), creative nonfiction and personal essay categories. He also received recognition in the social impact category of the Chicagoland Poetry Contest, the Partisan Press Working People’s Poetry Competition (first place) and the personal essay and rhymed poetry categories of the 2020 Writer’s Digest awards. His work has been published in Poetry Quarterly, Moonstone Arts Center, NOVUS Literary Journal, Inwood Indiana, Blueline, Pacific Review, Beyond Words – International Literary Magazine, Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Blue Collar Review, La Piccioletta Barca, Three Line Poetry, The Closed Eye Open and Tempered Runes, among others.