Edward Harvey
Edward Harvey has been writing for a very long time. His first piece was a condensed version of the Iliad, which he wrote in first grade. Since then he has written thousands of pages of text. His publications include 'The Last Campaign of Ulysses S Grant' in Copperfield Review, 'Disappearing,' in the Aphelion Webzine, and 'The Last Terrorist,' in AntipodeanSF.
Edward Harvey
Edward Harvey has been writing for a very long time. His first piece was a condensed version of the Iliad, which he wrote in first grade. Since then he has written thousands of pages of text. His publications include 'The Last Campaign of Ulysses S Grant' in Copperfield Review, 'Disappearing,' in the Aphelion Webzine, and 'The Last Terrorist,' in AntipodeanSF.