Diane Sahms-Guarnieri
Diane Sahms-Guarnieri is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently The Handheld Mirror of the Mind (Kelsay Press, July 2018) and Images of Being; Light’s Battered Edge; and Night Sweat. Her fifth book, City of Shadow & Light, is under consideration by Copper Canyon Press. She has been published in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, Many Mountains Moving, Sequestrum Journal of Literature and Arts magazine, among others, with poems forthcoming from The Moving Force Journal. She is poetry editor at North of Oxford, an online literary journal, and works a full-time job as a buyer. Visit her at dianesahms-guarnieri.com.
Diane Sahms-Guarnieri
Diane Sahms-Guarnieri is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently The Handheld Mirror of the Mind (Kelsay Press, July 2018) and Images of Being; Light’s Battered Edge; and Night Sweat. Her fifth book, City of Shadow & Light, is under consideration by Copper Canyon Press. She has been published in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania Literary Journal, Many Mountains Moving, Sequestrum Journal of Literature and Arts magazine, among others, with poems forthcoming from The Moving Force Journal. She is poetry editor at North of Oxford, an online literary journal, and works a full-time job as a buyer. Visit her at dianesahms-guarnieri.com.