BJ Fischer
BJ Fischer's latest short story (Annabelle's House Guest) was published in May in Artist's Studio. He has also been published in PIF Magazine, The View From Here, the Linden Avenue Literary Journal, and Blue Lake Review. His essays have appeared in The Fiddleback, Ardor, The (Toledo) Blade, the Bygone Bureau, Punchnel's, Thought Catalog, Impose Magazine, the Minneapolis Review of Baseball,, and Ontologica.
BJ Fischer
BJ Fischer's latest short story (Annabelle's House Guest) was published in May in Artist's Studio. He has also been published in PIF Magazine, The View From Here, the Linden Avenue Literary Journal, and Blue Lake Review. His essays have appeared in The Fiddleback, Ardor, The (Toledo) Blade, the Bygone Bureau, Punchnel's, Thought Catalog, Impose Magazine, the Minneapolis Review of Baseball,, and Ontologica.