The Write Launch
The Write Launch
The Write Launch
Long Short Story
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Creative Nonfiction
Amy Monaghan
Amy Monaghan is a Los Angeles-based writer with a MFA in writing from UCLA.
The Narrow Path to Heaven
In the church-like silence of the Pennsylvania night, a clothesline of white nightdresses billowed like captured ghosts above the grass. Dark fields drenched in dew stretched out in all directions, the careful rows of tobacco plants and corn waiting for their time to come. At the edge of the farmland, on a small hill above the house, stood an imposing oak tree. It looked down at the property like a sentinel.
Short Story
Issue 60, April 2022
Issues Archive
Amy Monaghan
Amy Monaghan is a Los Angeles-based writer with a MFA in writing from UCLA.
The Narrow Path to Heaven
In the church-like silence of the Pennsylvania night, a clothesline of white nightdresses billowed like captured ghosts above the grass. Dark fields drenched in dew stretched out in all directions, the careful rows of tobacco plants and corn waiting for their time to come. At the edge of the farmland, on a small hill above the house, stood an imposing oak tree. It looked down at the property like a sentinel.
Short Story
Issue 60, April 2022
Issues Archive
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